Motivated To Stand

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Standing For A Broken Marriage

About The Book

Motivated To Stand is a topical strategy guide and devotional that will help spouses in broken marriages better stand in faith for restoration. This book is designed to give standers tangible tips by addressing the most common topics that standers struggle with while on their standing journey. Motivated to Stand combines several types of resources for each topic covered to ensure every stander has a variety of ways to strengthen themselves while standing.

This Book Covers 41 Topics

This book covers 41 problem areas that most (if not all) standers face. These areas range from self-care to sex while standing. Each topic will provide wisdom and guidance through 3 specific sections: Encouragement & Strategy, Devotional and an Activity.

Encouragement And Strategy

This is the first section of each topic. In this section, encouragement as well as specific strategies are provided to help you to stand with confidence, clarity and strategy. When used correctly, this section will help you decrease the amount of mistakes that most standers make while standing.

Prayers & Devotionals

This section of each chapter includes specific scriptures and a prayer or declaration designed to speak to the specific obstacle that you are facing during your standing journey. Use these for your time of meditation and prayer with God.

Strategic Activities

This is the final section of each chapter. This section will challenge you to look at yourself, your spouse and/or your stand with more clarity. This section also challenges you to improve in the areas that you struggle with the most.

About The Spiral Bound Declaration Journal

This exclusive spiral bound declaration journal is designed to provide each reader with a template for creating their own declarations for each of the 41 topics included in this book. When purchased, it comes shipped with the paperback book.
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About The Author

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Amanda is a woman who knows first-hand what for “better or worse” means from personal experience. Early in her marriage, her husband told her he no longer wanted to be married. Despite her initial discouragement, God led her on a journey to stand for her marriage with faith, love and confidence. Through her journey, Amanda learned how to love her husband through that season without losing herself in the process. Because of her obedience and trust in God, her marriage was restored and she now helps thousands of standers through her books and coaching programs as well as through her various Facebook groups and pages. Not only did God restore her marriage, but He has allowed them to reach thousands of individuals through their Mastering Marriage business. Motivated to Stand is Amanda’s newest book and her aim is to help standers obtain greater wisdom and insight while standing. This advanced strategies guide and devotional is a follow up of her bestselling book; Motivated To Love and will ensure standers succeed in their pursuit of loving their spouse unconditionally as they believe God for the restoration of their marriages.